Mexican food in general for a non-native looks like a constant feast of taste, but Mexican holiday food possesses particular zest and gusto. Probably no other country has so many festivals, feasts and holidays as Mexico. Mexican calendar is so crowded with national, religious and saints' days holidays that almost every day is a reason for fiesta. Fiestas are not celebrated in a family, they are celebrated by the whole neighborhood, and a key element of these festivities is food.
Here is an outline of the most celebrated holidays and the traditional Mexican holiday food served for the occasion.
As Mexico is mostly a Catholic country, the most important holiday involving the tastiest Mexican holiday food is Christmas. Festivities start nine days before Christmas through the 6th of January. For Noche Buena the Mexicans serve up hot steaming apple-cider and chimayo cocktails. The main meal usually constitutes of chiles rellenos, pozole or menudo, chicken and beef tamales, Mexican rice and tamales de dulce (check on Mexican food cooking tips). Dessert is also included to the Mexican holiday food menu, but it is often skipped, as time for it comes when everybody has already opened their presents (so it is in the morning) and by that time children usually are already satisfied with sweets from the fir-tree and picatas (hollow brightly coloured Christmas figures staffed with candies).
As in all Catholic countries New Year comes just as an echo of Christmas. The celebration is casual, it is just another occasion to gather friends, have some papas fritas with favorite salsas and chiles. Mexican holiday food recipes for Aco Nuevo are simpler than that of Christmas. Usual dishes are bloody Marys, jicama pico de gallos, queso fundido con jamyn and beef tacos.
Another day having its own special Mexican holiday food is the Day of the Dead. In Mexico they honor the lives of the ancestors and the beloved ones on the 1st and 2nd of November. Pan de Muertos is a dish essentially cooked for this holiday. It is brought to the graveyards along with other offerings.
Mexican Holiday Food Review
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