Mexican food restaurants are very popular nowadays in all the countries. Mexican cuisine occupies the third place by popularity after French and Italian. Many Mexican recipes are very easy but satisfying that is very convenient for fast food restaurants which actually boosted the popularity of Mexican cuisine.
People favour Mexican food for its various daring recipes, spicy sauces, nourishing food and of course tequila. But in fact the food that is served in Mexican restaurants outside the country is far from being really Mexican. Usually it is a combination of Southwestern U.S. cuisine with cultural elements of the traditional Mexican one, and it is called Tex-Mex.
Actually even in Mexico views on traditional Mexican food restaurants are pretty different. In the restaurants of Puebla the most peculiar dish will be turkey or chicken accompanied by thick and sweet mole sauce. Restaurants of Veracruz rely all the traditional food on fish, flavored with chiles, olives and tomatoes. In Yukatan almost all the dishes are served with fruit-based sauces, and certain food is served in banana or orange leaves instead of plates. And finally, around Oaxaca the menu resembles the one of Puebla, but the restaurants of the region are worth visiting for their special coffee blend prepared with cinnamon and sugar.
But what makes Mexican food restaurants even more attractive to people, is their interior. Mexican furniture (made of pine usually) with its rich ornamentation and iron hardware, soft leather seats, Mexican interior design with its textured stucco walls and rough clay tile floors, honey-toned clay crockery and bright glassware all this gives an incredibly welcoming and warm atmosphere to Mexican restaurants. The bright patches of sculptures and pictures in the ancient Mayans' style add up to the homely climate and cheerfulness of Mexican restaurants.
Mexican food restaurants style both in interior and in dishes welcomes everyone.
Mexican Food Restaurants Tips
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